Saturday, 12 November 2011


Evening. I know it's been a while, but I felt I might as well wait until I had something to post.
On that note, this is the first bit of work I tried to do using the Vectorz.

Yes, yes, yes, I fancy Brody Dalle, I know, whatever, it's supposed to be a character I made for the Unnamed Project, they apparently aren't as original as I had hoped.

Things that need work:
1) I need to think about colour pallettes more cos it's a bit shite.
2) Face is a bit gash. There's something gone awfully wrong with those eyes that doesn't look so bad full size
3) Shit, I forgot her hand. If anyone asks it's a glove.
4) Should give her a decent background one day.

I also think I need to think more about how to use detail when using Illustrator. I wanted to have her in a Clash top but no way could I make it look right. and stuff like the checkered trous look terrible. Maybe this wasn't the best doodle to use.

One other thing, I need to work faster This doesn't look any where near as good as it should considering how long I spent on it. Less faffing and ocd perfectionism...

Still, think it's worth keeping, I can finish it off or replace it one day.

In other news I went to the gym for like 3 weeks, it was awesome, then I took a week off to get my website going and now I'm finding it hard to get back into.

Arkham Asylum is an amazing game, I'll probably give it it's own entry. Maybe Skyrim too.

1 comment:

Poni Deltorro said...

You are way too hard on yourself, dude.
That's an awesome illustration. You've gotten miles better since the last stuff I saw and even then, it was awesome.

Keep it up!

Also, get rid of the word verification on the comments; it's a pain in the balls! We're not robots lol.
That is all.